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TitanTV Help Topics

Welcome to TitanTV.com, an online television listings guide created for private, non-commercial use in the United States.

What's New in This Version of TitanTV

Below is a summary of the changes in this release:

Share Channel Lineups

A new feature has been added that allows lineups to be shared between TitanTV members.

While all channel lineups are available for sharing between members, an example of when sharing a lineup would be most beneficial could be in a large apartment/condo complex or college dormitory. Locations like these often have their own unique cable lineup but TitanTV does not offer a pre-defined lineup for the location.

With the lineup sharing feature, a TitanTV member could create a custom lineup then make it available to other TitanTV members at that location. Those members could create a new lineup by importing the data from the source. Once created, the new lineup is an exact copy of the original and available for viewing in those members' individual TitanTV accounts.

The ability to share custom channel lineups is available only between TitanTV members. See the Sharing Custom Channel Lineups topic for more information.

Over-the-Top Channel Lineups

TitanTV has added Over-the-Top (OTT) content providers as a new broadcast source option when adding a new lineup or creating a customized lineup.

A developing technology, OTT is a service for receiving live television, video-on-demand, games and other content on your television online rather than through a traditional cable or satellite feed. In many ways, OTT combines the experience of watching live TV channels and video-on-demand programming with accessing internet-based content on your TV set.

Like cable and satellite, OTT providers charge a monthly fee for access to their programming and services. The amount of content available and the cost vary by provider. While all OTT providers feature movies and television programs from which you may choose to view on-demand, a growing number now also offer channels airing regularly scheduled programs.

TitanTV now includes pre-defined channel lineups with schedules for several OTT providers. The 'a la carte' nature of OTT programming allows you to choose which regularly scheduled channels you subscribe to. Due to OTT allowing you to choose which channels to receive, the pre-defined lineup in TitanTV for a content provider may contain more or fewer channels than are actually in your subscription.

For this reason, a pre-defined OTT lineup may be used as the starting point for creating a lineup that matches your subscription. TitanTV contains tools that allow you to easily customize any lineup by adding new channels and removing unwanted ones.

See the Editing an Existing Lineup topic for more information.

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Visiting TitanTV for the First Time

When you visit TitanTV for the first time, a process automatically detects the IP (Internet Protocol) address of your internet provider. The process assumes the location of your internet provider and your own physical address to be within the same general area.

From this information, a schedule grid for the most commonly selected broadcast source among other TitanTV visitors in that location is displayed. The name of the source and its location are displayed in the drop down box in the center of the navigation bar above the grid.

The available sources are:

  • Broadcast (Over the Air)
  • Cable
  • Digital Cable
  • Satellite
  • Over-the-Top

To select and display the schedule for a different broadcast source, or for another location, click the plus symbol + icon in the center of the navigation bar. This control allows you to choose a new lineup to display for the desired location. See the Creating a New Lineup topic below for more information.

If no default lineups can be determined when TitanTV opens initially, the lineup for DirecTV - Eastern Time Zone will appear by default. See the Creating a New Lineup topic below to create a new channel lineup for your location.

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Creating a New Lineup from the Schedule Page

TitanTV allows you to create multiple channel lineups from the available broadcast sources to suit your needs.

To add a lineup from the Schedule page, click the plus symbol + icon in the header above the schedule. A popup box will open displaying icons for each of the available programming sources (Over-the-Air, Cable, Satellite, etc.):

  • Broadcast (Over the Air)
  • Cable
  • Digital Cable
  • Satellite
  • Over-the-Top*

Adding a lineup is a two-step process:

Step 1: Click on the icon corresponding to your desired source. The popup box will redraw to display a ZIP Code prompt.

Step 2: Enter the ZIP Code of the location you want the new channel lineup for. The contents of the popup will refresh to list the available options serving that ZIP Code for the selected source.

Depending on how extensively an area is served by over-the-air broadcasters and cable providers, the chosen source may present you with several market and cable options.

The Broadcast source, for example, may present you with two or more local markets to choose from. Selecting Cable may present you with several programming packages from the cable providers serving that ZIP Code.

From the list of available options for that source, select the desired market or lineup then click the Save button to close the popup box.

Choose the desired option/package and click the Save button to close the popup and add the new lineup to the Schedule page.

*Adding an Over-the-Top (OTT) Lineup

When Over-the-Top is selected as the source for a new lineup, the choices for the various providers are limited to your current time zone, regardless of the ZIP Code you enter. Your local time zone is determined from the IP (Internet Protocol) address of your internet provider. When adding an OTT schedule, lineups for a time zone other than that of your current location cannot be selected.

Choose the desired OTT provider from the list and click the Save button to close the popup and add the new lineup to the Schedule page.

Due to OTT allowing you to choose which channels to receive, the pre-defined lineup in TitanTV for a content provider may contain more or fewer channels than are actually in your subscription. A pre-defined OTT lineup may be used as the starting point for creating a lineup that matches your subscription. TitanTV contains tools that allow you to easily customize any lineup by adding new channels and removing unwanted ones.

See the Editing a Lineup topic for more information.

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Schedule Page and Its Controls

The Schedule Page displays the listings for the selected lineup in a grid format. The grid is divided into rows for each station and columns for each 30 minute segment of programming.

Each program in the schedule appears in a cell within the grid with its title and, when available, other pertinent information about it, such as: New/Repeat indicator, episode title, genre, TV Rating, and more. The width of a program's cell is sized dynamically in relation to its scheduled duration. (A long program is displayed in a proportionally wide cell, for example.)

Additional information may be viewed about a program by opening its Program Details Box. Click on a desired program's cell in the grid to view its details.

Schedule Page Controls

The box above the schedule grid is divided into sections to group logically-related schedule controls. These controls allow you to easily make temporary changes to the display of your listings. Permanent changes to many of the grid's default settings may be made on the My Preferences tab of the Site Preferences page.

  • Date Time Section
  • Date - Select the desired day's schedule to view; you may choose any day from the previous day up to two weeks into the future
  • Time* - Changes the schedule to display the programming for the selected hour
  • Now* - Click this button to display the schedule beginning with the current hour

  • Channel Lineups Section
  • Lineup - Select the desired channel's lineup to view from this drop down box
  • Add - Click the plus symbol  + icon to add a new channel lineup to the drop down box
  • Manage - Click this button to add, edit, delete, and customize your channel lineups

  • More information about maintaining your channel lineups may be found in the My Channel Lineups topic below.

    Tools Section
  • Print - Allows you to print the current schedule in a printer-friendly format
  • More - This control expands and contracts the schedule grid header to display the additional Advanced Grid Controls
    • Advanced Grid Controls

      Sort Section
    • Sort - Changes the sort order of the grid by channel number (ascending or descending) or by call sign (ascending or descending)

    • Display Section
    • Display Range* - Allows you to select the number of hours of programming to display on the grid
    • Full Width* - Changes TitanTV's display width from its default setting to the full width of the current browser window

    • Filters Section
    • Filters - Allows you to limit the display of programs on the grid to only those matching your selected genre
    • Movies Only - Selecting this check box will cause the grid to display only the movies in the schedule
    • HD Only - Selecting this check box will cause the grid to display only the HD programs in the schedule
    • Favorites - Selecting this check box will cause the grid to display only the programs you have selected as Favorites
    • New - Selecting this check box will cause the grid to display only that are new and have not aired previously
    • The effects of changes to the controls under the Advance Grid menu are temporary and will remain in place only until you leave the Schedule page. The grid will return to its default settings the next time you open the grid.

    * The default settings of the controls indicated above with an asterisk may be changed on the My Preferences tab of the Site Preferences page.

    The Other Schedule Grid Controls and Conventions topic below describes the additional controls on the Schedule page you may find useful when viewing your television lineups.

    Back to the top of the Schedule Page and Its Controls topic.

Other Schedule Grid Controls and Conventions

The grid header and leftmost columns contain the following controls for navigating through the schedule.

  • Date Display and Navigation Arrows - These controls at the top of the Station column allow you to traverse through the Schedule page 24 hours at a time. Clicking the left arrow moves the schedule back one day; the right arrow advances the schedule by one day. Up to 15 days of programming (yesterday's plus the upcoming two weeks') may be viewed in TitanTV. The date display will change to reflect which day's programming is currently appearing on the Schedule page. Clicking the date will return the schedule to the current date and time. For easy access in lineups with a large number of channels, these controls appear after every tenth channel in the grid.

  • Jump to Top of Grid Control - This control, appearing as a short flat line with an arrow pointing up at it, may be used to return or jump to the top of the Schedule page with just one click. It also appears after every tenth channel in the grid.

  • Left and Right Arrows - The header in the top of the schedule grid displays a column for every 30 minutes of programming. The left and right arrows on either side of the header allow you to traverse forward and backward through the schedule with each click by the number of hours you have chosen to display. (TitanTV's default is three; however, you may select a different number of hours in the My Preferences tab of the Site Preferences page.) For easy access in lineups with a large number of channels, the header and its controls are repeated after every tenth channel in the grid.

  • Station and Channel Number - In the Station and Channel Number columns on the left side of the schedule, each station's call sign and its channel number also serves as links to display only that station's complete daily schedule. When a station's call sign or channel number is clicked, the Schedule page redraws to display that station's full 24-hour schedule spanning three days. See the Daily Schedule View topic below for more information.
  • The Station column gives you the choice of displaying station and network logos and call signs or text-only labels. The display is controlled by the Show Channel Logos setting on the Site Preferences/My Preference page. When this option is disabled, call sign and network affiliation is display as text.

Back to the top of the Schedule Page and Its Controls topic.

Daily View Page

The Daily View grid displays only a single channel's schedule. It is opened for the selected channel by clicking on its logo/call sign in the main grid page.

The Daily View provides two options for viewing a channel's schedule:

  • 3 Day - Displays the channel's full 24-hour schedule over a three day span
  • 14 Day - Displays 3-hour blocks of the channel's schedule for each of the next 14 days

The number of days the Daily View grid opens to by default is determined by a setting in the Daily View Page Default: section of the Site Preferences/My Preferences page.

Click on the Days icon on the left side of the header bar to toggle between the 3 and 14-day views.

The Daily View grid contains many of the same controls and conventions as the regular schedule grid. Clicking on a desired program's cell opens its Program Details box. Controls in the view allow you to toggle between the 3 and 14-day view of the selected channel, display the schedule for a different channel, change the range of dates covered, switch channel lineups, print the schedule and more.

The text in this view's sidebar provides tips on how to use the controls on the page. The sidebar is not displayed when the 14-day view is selected due to the width of its grid.

When returning to the regular schedule grid, two options are available for leaving the Daily View:

  • Click the TitanTV Listings link at the top of the page to go to the top of the schedule grid
  • Click the station's Call Sign to return to the grid with that channel as the topmost displayed

Back to the top of the Schedule Page and Its Controls topic.

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Program Details Box

The Program Details are displayed in a popup box that contains the information available about the selected program. The box may be opened by clicking on the desired program's grid cell or, if the Hover option is selected in the My Preferences tab of the Site Preferences page, when the mouse is held stationary over a cell for approximately three seconds.

The details include the show's title and the available additional information about it, such as episode name, cast and crew data, New/Repeat indicator, ratings, genre, channel, air date and time, duration, and more.

The selected program's genre color from the grid is echoed in the background of its Details box. Carrying the genre color scheme into the Details box is controlled by the Use Grid Coloring in Details popup setting on the Site Preferences/My Preference page. When this option is disabled, program information in the Details box is displayed with black text on a white background.

Clicking the Additional Airings link opens a page displaying a list of when the program appears again within the next 14 days. Click on a program's name in this list to view its Details box.

The box also contains icons that allow you to take advantage of the Favorites, Add to Calendar, Reminder, and PVR Functions built into TitanTV. More information about using a PVR may be found in the PVR 101 topic below.

Add to Favorites

The Add to Favorites icon is used to designate a program as a Favorite. Once selected, a star is displayed in the program's grid cell to provide a visual indicator that is a Favorite whenever that program appears in the schedule. Click the icon again to de-select a favorite program. The Favorite designation may be applied to program titles only.

The programs you have selected may be viewed by clicking on the Favorite Shows & Movies link at the top of the page. They may also be maintained on the My Favorite Shows & Movies tab of the Site Preferences page.

If you have created multiple lineups, a program selected as a Favorite in one lineup will display its indicator whenever that program appears in the schedule in any of your lineups.

See the Favorite Shows & Movies topic below for more information about the Favorites feature.

Add to Calendar

The Add to Calendar feature allows you to create a new entry for the selected program in the Calendar function in your computer's email application. Adding an entry to the Calendar about an upcoming TV program is similar to using that application to create a new appointment.

Clicking the Add to Calendar icon creates a file named reminder.ics and exports it to your email client's Calendar. When opened, the file instructs the Calendar to create a new appointment using the selected program's starting time and date.

Depending on your computer's security settings, the browser may open a prompt verifying that you intend to create a new entry in the system's Calendar application. When you confirm that you do, the Calendar's new appointment interface will open. Its fields will be pre-populated with the program's title in the Subject field and the appointment's start and end times match those of the selected program.

Just like when using the Calendar to schedule a meeting or create a new appointment, you may choose to have it open a notice onscreen a few minutes prior to the program's start time.

Click the Calendar application's Save button to save the new appointment and return to TitanTV.

Set Program Reminder

The Set Program Reminder icon is used to send a reminder to about this program to the Current Reminders page. The icon appears only in the Details boxes of programs starting more than one hour later than the current hour. The Reminder is not displayed for programs that are currently airing.

When a Reminder has been added, it will be added to the total displayed with the Current Reminders link at the top of the page. Click the Current Reminders link to view a list of all current and past reminders.

The Reminder feature does not display any reminder messages over the grid prior to the show's starting time nor does it export any data outside of TitanTV. See the Calendar topic above for information about how to schedule an entry in your email client's Calendar function about an upcoming program. Its Calendar function may be instructed to open an on-screen prompt a few minutes before the program starts.

DVR and PVR Functions

Watch this Program - Click to watch a program on your computer with the TV tuner function of your PVR product. This icon appears in the Program Details box only while the program is airing.

Record this Program - This icon schedules the recording of this program to your hard drive with your PVR.

Add to Remote Schedule Queue - Click to schedule the recording of a program by a PVR-equipped computer from another computer at a different location.

Record this Program to DVD - Click to record the program directly onto DVD.

The display of the above icons is controlled by the settings in the Site Preferences/My DVR Options page. For more information, view the My DVR Options topic below.

For more information about using a PVR with TitanTV, view the PVR 101 topic below.

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Favorite Shows & Movies

The Favorite Shows & Movies page allows you to view a list of the upcoming airings of the programs you have selected as Favorites. A maximum of 200 (500 for registered members) programs may be selected as a favorite.

TitanTV receives its programming data from a third-party provider. Due to the varying amount of additional information between one program and another in the data TitanTV receives, the Favorite designation may be applied only to program titles. A program's title is a constant and will always be present in the data while other information about a program, such as an actor's name, may not.

To locate scheduled programs containing a particular cast member or certain keyword in the program's description, the Search function described below may be used.

By default, the Favorite Shows & Movies page displays a table containing all of your favorite programs in the current lineup, up to a maximum of 20 airings, which are scheduled within the next 48 hours. If more than 20 airings are scheduled in that period, the total number of airings appears in a link at the bottom of the list. Click the link to re-draw the table to display all scheduled favorites in that period.

The current time is also a factor when the contents of the Favorites table for today's schedule are viewed. Only the favorite programs currently airing or are scheduled to air later in the day are displayed. A favorite program that aired earlier today and is already over when the Favorite Shows & Movies page is opened will not be listed in today's favorites.

The controls above the table allow you to choose which favorite or favorites to display, select the desired time frame, maintain your master list of favorites, view the airings of your favorites in another lineup, and apply filters to the list.

  • Favorite - Use this drop down box to display the airings of all of your favorites or just one specific program
  • Manage - This link takes you to the My Favorite Shows & Movies tab of the Site Preferences page to view and maintain the list of all of your favorite programs
  • Time Frame - This control allows you to view the airings of favorite programs on specific days
  • Channel Lineup - If you have created multiple channel lineups, this control allows you to view the scheduled airings of your favorites in another lineup
  • Add and Manage - These buttons allow you to add and maintain channel lineups as described below in the My Channel Lineups topic
  • Tools - Click this control to view the available filters that allow you to further refine the list of favorite programs:
    • Movies Only - Selecting this check box will cause the grid to display only the movies in the schedule
    • HD Only - Selecting this check box will cause the grid to display only the HD programs in the schedule
    • New - Selecting this check box will cause the grid to display only that are new and have not aired previously

Favorites Summary Box - Also above the Favorites table, the heading of the summary box shows the selected channel lineup and time frame. Inside the box, the title and number of airings for each favorite program in the selected time frame are displayed. Depending on the programs you have selected as favorites, the contents of the summary box will likely change from day to day and even from hour to hour.

To show only one favorite program's airings in the selected time frame, click on the desired program's title in the summary box. The table will re-draw with all other favorites filtered out. To view all of your favorites again, click All Favorites option in the Favorite drop down box described above.

The Favorites table contains the call sign, channel, title cell, date and time each favorite program is schedule to air during the selected time frame. As on the Schedule page, clicking a program's cell will open its Program Details box in which you may view its description and cast information, access the PVR icons, etc.

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Current Reminders

The Current Reminders page allows you to view a list of the reminders you have created about television programs. The Upcoming Reminders tab on the page displays the programs you have created reminders for that have not yet aired. The Recent Reminders tab displays the programs that have aired between when the reminder was created and the present time.

Clicking the Printable Version link on the page creates a printer-friendly version of each upcoming reminder in a new browser window. This reminder may be printed or copied to your computer's clipboard for pasting into other applications for further manipulation.

Important Note: This feature does not open a reminder message onscreen prior to a desired program's starting time.

If you want to have a message appear on your computer's screen about an upcoming show before it starts, see the Add to Calendar topic. It contains information on how an entry about an upcoming program may be exported from TitanTV to your email client's Calendar utility. Like when scheduling an appointment, the email client's Calendar may be instructed to open an on-screen prompt a few minutes before the desired program starts.

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TitanTV provides two search functions that allow you to quickly locate a desired program or actor.

  • Basic Search - Returns every matching program in all schedules within the next week
  • Advanced Search - Refines the search to return a more narrowly-focused set of results
  • Basic Search

    A Basic search looks through all schedules in the upcoming seven days and returns every program in the next week that contains the title or actor in your query.

    To perform a Basic search, enter the desired text into the Search field and click the magnifying glass icon. The search will launch and the page will redraw to display the Results page.

    Each program matching the search query is listed on the Results page with its title, description, air date and time, and the station carrying it. Click on a title to view that program's Details box.

    If more than 10 matches are found, click the Previous and Next buttons at the bottom of the list to traverse through the results.

    The matching programs on the Results page may be sorted by Air Date, Title, or Channel by clicking on the preferred sort order's link.

    If no program matches your query, a message is displayed on the Results page. Enter another query to perform another Basic search, click the More Search Options link to create an Advanced search, or return to the grid by clicking the TitanTV Listings link.

    Advanced Search

    The Advanced search allows you to create a custom query by using the powerful operators that are supported by the search engine. These operators may be used refine an Advanced search by limiting its scope to a specific channel, performing the search through a wider (or narrower) timeframe, searching in program titles only, choosing text to specifically exclude from the search argument to avoid unwanted matches, and more.

    To perform an Advanced search, click on the More Search Options link. The page will redraw to display the Advanced Search template. Each field and control is labeled to describe its function.

    Enter each element for the desired query into the appropriate field, select any additional filtering options then click the Search button to launch the Advanced search. The results for an Advanced search are displayed with the same format and content described in the Basic Search topic above.

    Creating an Advanced Search Manually

    As each element of the search query is entered, you may notice it is displayed in a box at the top of the page. This display may be used to illustrate how a complex search query is constructed. After performing a number of Advanced searches and becoming familiar with how the operators are used, you may choose to begin performing such searches by manually entering the query string with the desired operators directly into the Search field on the guide page.

    For information regarding how to use the syntax in TitanTV's Advanced Search, please refer to the Search feature's Help page.

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Becoming a TitanTV Member

Creating a free TitanTV membership allows you to take advantage of TitanTV's advanced features. Those features include:

  • Create Fully Customizable TV Lineups
  • Access Your Lineups from Any Computer, Anywhere
  • Access Your Custom Lineups on Mobile Devices
  • DVR/PVR Scheduling and Recording Capabilities
  • Create Reminders and Lists of up to 500 Favorite Programs
  • Customizable Schedule Grid Color Schemes
  • Retain Your Customized Display and Member Settings Between Visits

To become a TitanTV member, click the Become a Member link at the top of the page. The page will redraw to display the Sign Up page containing the following fields and controls.

  • Email - Enter the email address you wish to use for your TitanTV membership
  • User Name - Enter a unique user name containing at least four characters but no spaces or tabs
  • Password - Enter a password containing at least seven characters but no spaces or tabs
  • Confirm Password - Re-enter your password to verify it was entered correctly in the Password field above
  • Agreement - Select the check box after viewing TitanTV's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages.

The user name and password associated with your TitanTV membership are case sensitive. If you are prompted for your user name and password when you return to TitanTV, enter them using the same mix of upper and lower case characters used on the Sign Up page.

Click the Sign Up button to submit your membership information. If your User Name and/or email address do not already exist in TitanTV's database of existing members, the page will redraw to verify your membership has been created. Click the Continue button to go to your Schedule page.

If any of the information you entered is found to conflict with an already existing TitanTV member, a message will appear onscreen to notify you of the conflict. Make the necessary changes to your information to make your membership info unique and click the Continue button again to re-submit.

See the topics in the Site Preferences section below for more information about the customization options available to TitanTV members.

About Cookies

Cookies are small text files written to your hard drive by many of the Web sites you visit. Typically, a cookie stores your preferences when visiting a particular site. When you return to that site at a later time, the site's cookie allows it retrieve important information about you from your previous visit.

Cookies must be enabled on your browser in order take full advantage of TitanTV's features. TitanTV stores a local cookie that contains information about your membership count such as the login, DVR/PVR selection, and any guide customization settings. Without a cookie present, TitanTV cannot recall the member-specific information such as your login and preference settings between sessions and treats each subsequent visit as if you had not been to the site before.

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Logging in to TitanTV

After creating a TitanTV membership, you will be able to take advantage of these features:

  • Create Fully Customizable TV Lineups
  • Access Your Lineups from Any Computer, Anywhere
  • Access Your Custom Lineups on Mobile Devices
  • DVR/PVR Scheduling and Recording Capabilities
  • Create Reminders and Lists of up to 500 Favorite Programs
  • Customizable Schedule Grid Color Schemes
  • Retain Your Customized Display and Member Settings Between Visits

For more information about each of these features, see the topics in the Site Preferences

If you are not logged in on your next visit to TitanTV, click the Login link at the top of the page. You will be prompted for your user name and password when you return to TitanTV. The User Name and Password fields are case-sensitive. This means they must be entered using the same mix of upper and lower case characters you used on the Sign Up page.

By selecting the Remember Me Next Time* check box when you log in, TitanTV will keep you logged in between visits to the site. The next time you visit TitanTV, you will be taken to the current day's Schedule page for your default channel lineup.

*Cookies must be enabled on your browser in order take full advantage of TitanTV's features. Your TitanTV login credentials are stored between visits in a local cookie file.

Without a cookie present, TitanTV cannot retain the member-specific information such as your login and your customization and preference settings between sessions. Subsequent visits to TitanTV are handled as if you had not been to the site before.

If you have selected the "Remember Me Next Time" check box but are prompted to enter your login when returning to TitanTV, this means your cookie has been deleted from your browser since your last visit.

Forgotten Password

If you have forgotten the password for your TitanTV membership, click the Forgot Your Password? link button on the Login page to go to the Reset TitanTV Password page.

On this page, enter your User Name in the top field. Next, enter the text from the Captcha image in the Verification Code field. This code contains a block of randomly generated letters and numbers that is used to prevent unauthorized access to your membership's login credentials.

If the characters in the Captcha image are hard to read, click on the speaker icon to hear each character spoken through your computer's speakers. You may also press the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh the page with a new, and perhaps easier to read, Captcha code.

When the User Name and Verification Code have been entered, click the Submit button. Within a few minutes, an email will be sent to the email address associated with your TitanTV membership. Follow the instructions in the email on how to reset your password.

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Site Preferences

The Site Preferences page uses a tabbed interface. Each tab is associated with the following specific functional areas within TitanTV:

The features and controls under the tabs designated above with the * are available only to TitanTV members.

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My Preferences Tab

The controls on the My Preferences tab allow you to select the program default settings of TitanTV's Schedule page:

  • Default Channel Lineup - Selects the specific lineup the Schedule page opens to when you return to TitanTV
  • Default Time Zone - Specifies the schedule's default time zone; this setting may be overridden by new lineups, if desired
  • Default DST Observation: - Select this option to automatically adjust the schedule when Daylight Savings goes into and out of effect
  • Default Grid Time - Allows you to choose the hour of the day the Schedule displays when opened
  • Default Grid Duration - Determines the number of hours (1 - 6) of programming to display on the Schedule page; default setting is 3 hours
  • Grid Font Size - Choose the grid's default font size

Programming Grid Options - The options in this section control the following grid default settings:

  • Show Advanced Menu by Default - Controls whether to display the Advanced Menu by default in the Schedule page headings
  • Use Full Screen Width by Default - Opens the Schedule page to the full width of the browser window
  • Allow Cell Text to Wrap - Causes the display of long program titles and/or descriptions to wrap to a new line instead of truncating at the right edge of the program's cell
  • Use Fixed Height Grid Cells - Determines whether all cells are a uniform height or are sized dynamically according to cell containing the most content per station
  • Show Program Details on Hover - Opens a cell's Program Details box when the mouse is held over that cell for approximately 3 seconds
  • Show Channel Logos - Displays network and station logos in the Station column in the grid instead of plain text
  • Use Grid Coloring in Details Popup* - Carries the current grid color scheme to the background and text of a program's Details box

*TitanTV provides several pre-defined grid color schemes from which to choose. In addition to those schemes, a Grid Color Scheme editor feature allows TitanTV members to create custom schemes using their choice of color combinations for cell colors, titles and descriptive text for program genres and types. For more information, see the Grid Color Scheme topic.

Programming Grid Fields - The options in this section determine the amount of data to be displayed in each program's grid cell:

  • Descriptions - Displays each program's description, when available
  • HDTV Indicator - Displays an indicator when a program is in HD
  • Program Genre - Displays each program's main and sub-genre
  • Movie Rating & Stars - Displays a movie's original MPAA and "stars" rating, where applicable
  • Program Type - Displays each program's color-coded type or category
  • Episode Titles - Display a program's episode title, when available
  • New/Repeat Status - Displays an indicator whether a program is new or being repeated
  • Year of Production - Displays the year the program was produced, when available
  • Include TV Ratings - Displays each program's rating, when available

Daily View Page Default - This control determines the number of days of programming that appear by default in the Daily View page. This page displays the schedule for only a single channel. It is accessed by clicking on the desired channel's logo/call sign on the main grid page. The page allows you to view the selected channel's full 24-hour schedule for the next 3 days or display 3 hour blocks of the channel's schedule for each of the next 14 days. The Days icon on the Daily View page allows you to toggle between the 3 and 14-day views.

TitanTV Hints - This check box controls the display of the TitanTV Hints that appear on the Schedule page. These hints may be used to introduce you to TitanTV's features and functions. All of the hints may be viewed at once by clicking the Usage Tips link at the bottom of every page.

3rd Party Content - This check box controls the display of the 3rd Party Content links displayed throughout TitanTV.

After making any desired changes on the Site Preferences page, click the Save Changes button. A message will appear to confirm the changes have been put into effect. Click the TitanTV Listings link at the top of the page to return to the Schedule page.

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*My Login/Email

The controls under the My Login/Email tab allow you to review and edit the email and location information associated with your membership.

After making any desired changes on the My Login/Email page, click the Save Changes button to put your changes into effect. Click the TitanTV Listings link at the top of the page to return to the Schedule page.

Back to the top of the Site Preferences topic.

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*My Password

The controls under the My Password tab allow you to change the password associated with your TitanTV membership.

To change the password, enter your current password in the Old Password field. Then, carefully enter your new password into both the New Password and Again fields.

After entering your new password, click the Save Changes button to put your changes into effect. Click the TitanTV Listings link at the top of the page to return to the Schedule page.

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My Channel Lineups

TitanTV allows you to create multiple channel lineups from the available programming sources (Over-the-Air, Cable, Satellite, etc.) to suit your needs. The My Channel Lineups tab displays your available channel lineups and the controls for maintaining them. On this tab you may also add new lineups, delete unwanted ones, select a default lineup and more. A description of each control follows.

My Channel Lineups Tab Controls

When creating a new lineup from the My Channels tab, two options are available:

Create New Lineup Option

To create a new lineup that contains the channels from an existing source, click the Create New Lineup button. A popup box will open displaying icons for each of the available programming sources:

  • Broadcast (Over the Air)
  • Cable
  • Digital Cable
  • Satellite
  • Over-the-Top*

Adding a lineup is a two-step process:

Step 1: Click on the icon corresponding to your desired source. The popup box will redraw to display a ZIP Code prompt.

Step 2: Enter the ZIP Code of the location you want the new channel lineup for. The contents of the popup will refresh to list the available options serving that ZIP Code for the selected source.

Depending on how extensively an area is served by over-the-air broadcasters and cable providers, the chosen source may present you with several market and cable options.

The source, for example, may present you with two or more local markets to choose from. Selecting Cable may present you with several programming packages from the cable providers serving that ZIP Code.

From the list of available options for that source, select the desired market or lineup then click the Save button to close the popup box.

* When Over-the-Top is selected as the source for a new lineup, the choices for the various providers are limited to your current time zone, regardless of the ZIP Code you enter. Your local time zone is determined from the IP (Internet Protocol) address of your internet provider. When adding an OTT schedule, lineups for a time zone other than that of your current location cannot be selected.

Choose the desired option/package and click the Save button to close the popup. The lineup will be added to the list of saved lineups.

If you want the new lineup to always be displayed every time you go to the Schedule page, click its Set as Default button.

To permanently delete an unwanted lineup, click the red X that serves as the Delete icon in the top corner of that lineup's box. At least one lineup is required by TitanTV, so the icon is displayed only when two or more lineups are present.

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Create Custom Lineup Option

The Create Custom Lineup feature allows you to build a new lineup that initially contains no channels. The new lineup starts as a blank slate that you fill with only the channels that you want it to contain. Those channels may even be from multiple programming sources. A custom lineup may be created to display your favorite over-the-air and cable channels, display only the premium movie channels to which you subscribe, be dedicated to sports channels only, and so on.

Creating custom lineups is an exclusive feature for TitanTV members. To take advantage of this and the other features available only to TitanTV members, see the Becoming a TitanTV Member topic for more information about creating a free TitanTV membership.

To create a custom lineup, click the Create Custom Lineup on the My Channels tab. A popup box opens prompting you to enter a name for the new lineup. Enter a meaningful name then click the Save button to create the new lineup and close the popup window.

The page redraws to display the lineup's contents, which is initially empty. To add a channel, click the Add Channels button. This opens a popup box prompting you to:

  • Find a Channel to Add by Name - Manually search for each channel to be added
  • Choose Channels to Add From an Existing Lineup - Select channels to add from within an existing lineup

When you choose the Find a Channel to Add by Name option, a window opens in which you search for the desired channel by entering its call sign/network code. This code is a four to nine character identifier that is generally an abbreviation of the network's full name. Click on the desired channel code from the list of matching names to select it. Next, enter the channel number it will occupy in your lineup then click the Add Channel button to close the popup window and add the channel to your lineup. Repeat for each channel you want to add.

With their abbreviated nature, call signs can sometimes be cryptic and locating the correct one that matches the schedule of the channel you are adding may require a bit of trial and error. If a wrong call sigh is entered when adding a channel, it may also be easily removed from the lineup. The topics below describe how to remove a channel from a lineup.

When the Choose Channels to Add From an Existing Lineup option is selected, a window opens in which you are presented with a list of the other lineups you have saved. Choose the lineup from the drop down box that contains the channel you want to add.

When the lineup is selected from the list, the popup window refreshes to display all of the channels on the selected lineup. Scroll through the list and click on the desired channel to add. The background of the row the channel is on turns from white to green to indicate that it has been selected. Multiple channels may be selected with this method by clicking on each channel. Click on a channel again to deselect it and return its background to white.

When the desired channels have been selected from the source lineup, click the Add Channels button to close the popup and add them to the edited lineup.

Channels added to the lineup using either of the above methods are displayed in the list on a green background to indicate that they were originally in that lineup.

When the desired channels have been added, click the TitanTV Listings link at the top left corner of the page to return to the grid page and view the contents of the edited lineup. Some experimentation may be needed to ensure the lineup contains all the correct channels.

Remove a Channel from the Lineup

To remove an unwanted channel from the lineup, locate it in the list of channels and click its Remove button. A confirmation box will open prompting you to verify you want to remove the channel Click the OK button to confirm the action and close the box. The selected channel will be removed from the list of channels in the lineup.

As you add and remove channels, the changes are automatically saved and the lineup updated as each action is performed. No explicit save command is needed to put changes into effect.

If you want the new custom lineup to be the one TitanTV opens to every time the schedule page opens, click the My Channel Lineups tab to return to the list of saved lineups. Locate the new custom lineup in the list and click its Set as Default button. Click the TitanTV Listings link at the top of the page to return to the schedule page and view the new custom lineup.

Sharing Custom Channel Lineups

Each lineup a member saves under his or her account - regardless of whether it is a stock, pre-defined lineup or one that is completely customized - is assigned an ID called a token. The token is a combination of letters and numbers that is specific to that lineup.

The Create Lineup from Token button allows you to create a new lineup by importing its data from a token created by another TitanTV member. The feature creates a copy of the channel lineup contained in the source token. The token contains no personal information about its creator's account.

Tokens may be exchanged with other TitanTV members via email or by posting on a community online bulletin board. No mechanism currently exists in the site to facilitate the exchange of lineup tokens between members directly from within TitanTV.

To create a new lineup using another member's token, click the Create Lineup from Token button. A popup window opens that prompts you to enter the token's ID. A token is a string of letters and numbers that uniquely indentify a particular lineup that is available for sharing. Given its 54-character length, it may be best to copy and paste the token into the field rather than manually key it in.

With the token in place, click the Save button to close the popup. The new lineup will appear on the My Channel Lineups page with the same name and channel roster as in its original lineup. The newly created lineup is immediately ready for selection and viewing.

To share a custom lineup that you have created with other members, copy the Share Token string of the desired lineup and send it in an email to the desired recipients. The recipients then follow the instructions above for creating/importing a new lineup from your token.

The sharing of custom lineup tokens is available to TitanTV members only.

Back to the top of the My Channel Lineups topic.

Edit Information Button

Clicking the Edit Information button allows you to change that lineup's display name as well as specify its time zone and Daylight Savings settings, if different than your own. The default time zone for your lineups is determined by the setting in under the My Preferences tab.

The Use Default Time Zone/DST Settings control may be used if one of the lineups you frequently refer to is in another time zone. Such would be the case if you travel between time zones regularly and wish to create one or more lineups for each zone.

Click the Save Changes button to put your changes to the lineup's display name and time zone settings into effect.

Back to the top of the My Channel Lineups topic.

Edit Channels Button

Clicking the Edit Channels button allows you to make potentially sweeping changes to that lineup. With this control, you may:

  • Change the display order of the channels in the lineup
  • Manually add one or more channels to the lineup
  • Change a channel's call sign, channel, network affiliation, and source
  • Hide a channel so it will not appear on the Schedule page

Color coding of each channel's background is used on this page to illustrate the changes made to a lineup.

  • White - The channel has not been altered
  • Yellow - The channel has been modified in some way
  • Green - The channel has been manually added to the lineup
  • Pink - The channel will be hidden on the Schedule page

After making and saving the desired changes to the lineup, click on the My Channels Lineup tab to return to your list of lineups or on the TitanTV Listings link at the top of the page to go to the Schedule page.

Back to the top of the My Channel Lineups topic.

Set as Default Button

When two or more lineups are present, the Set as Default control allows you to specify one as your preferred lineup. After a lineup has been selected, it will then appear by default when you open the Schedule page.

After you have selected a default lineup, any of your other lineups may still be viewed by selecting the desired non-default lineup from the drop down box in the Channel Lineup section on the Schedule page.

The Set as Default button appears only when two or more lineups have been created. When only one lineup is present, it becomes the de facto default lineup so there is no need to display a control that allows you to select it as the default.

Delete Lineup Control

To permanently delete an unwanted lineup, click the red X that serves as the Delete icon in the top corner of that lineup's box. At least one lineup is required by TitanTV, so the icon is displayed only when two or more lineups are present.

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My Grid Colors

About Grid Color Schemes

The My Grid Colors tab displays a list of the available grid color schemes.

A grid color scheme determines the overall look of the programs that appear in the schedule grid. Each scheme contains one or more sets of rules that are used to color code the programs in the schedule grid according to their genre (Children's, Drama, News, Sports, etc.).

The genre color coding scheme is also echoed in each program's Details box. When this option is enabled, the background of a program's Details box will use the same color assigned to the program's genre.

The color coding of the Details boxes may be disabled by deselecting the Use Grid Coloring in Details Popup check box on the Site Preferences/My Preferences page. All Details boxes will then appear with the traditional black text against a white background.

Pre-defined Grid Color Schemes

TitanTV provides four pre-defined grid color schemes that users may choose from. Each contains rules for different background and text color combinations. The schemes also specify different numbers of genres to color code in the schedule.

The pre-defined schemes are:

  • TitanTV Standard - Assigns a unique color to the background of each genre
  • TitanTV Guide - Contains the same color palette that many TV stations use on the program guides on their sites
  • Movies, News & Sports - Assigns distinct background colors to only Movie, News and Sports programs
  • Monochrome - The same background and text color combination is used for all programs, regardless of genre

Selecting the Default Grid Color Scheme

The settings in the grid color scheme selected as the Default is the one TitanTV will use whenever the grid page is displayed. The grid page also displays a legend at the bottom containing a color sample and label for each genre and program type combination in the Default scheme.

To select a different color scheme from the list, click its Set as Default button. The schedule grid will then be displayed according to the settings in that scheme.

The color combinations in the Default color scheme are also reflected in the Details box that opens when a program's cell is clicked. The Details box contains that program's extended description, cast information and more.

For example, if the Default scheme has specified all programs associated with the Nature genre to be displayed in the grid with a green background, the Details box of every Nature program will also have a green background.

The schemes provided by TitanTV cannot be edited or deleted.

Custom Grid Color Schemes

In addition to the pre-defined schemes, TitanTV members may create custom grid schemes using their choice of color combinations for cell colors, titles and descriptive text.

For example, a sports fan may create a custom scheme that displays all Sports programs in one background color to make them stand out from all other programs in the grid.

Parents could make a custom scheme with rules that highlight all Animated and Children's programs with the same color combination to make them easy to locate in the grid.

Unlike the pre-defined schemes that are based only on Genre, custom schemes may be created to also highlight combinations of the available Genres and the Movie program type.

With this new capability, a movie buff could create a custom scheme featuring several rules dedicated to movies. One rule would apply to movies that are dramas and display them in one combination of colors, a second rule that displays comedy movies in another combination and a third that applies to movies of all other genres.

A demonstration of how to create each of the rules described above may be found in the Custom Movie Rules Example topic in this Help page.

To take advantage of this and the other features available only to TitanTV members, see the Becoming a TitanTV Member topic for more information about creating a free TitanTV membership.

See the next topic for more basic information about creating a custom grid color scheme.

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Creating a Custom Grid Color Scheme

Unlike the pre-defined schemes that are based only on Genre, the Custom Grid Color Scheme feature allows TitanTV members to create custom grid color schemes based on their choice of Genre and the Movie program type. A custom scheme may contain as many - or as few - genre/movie combinations as desired.

A simple custom scheme may be monochromatic and display all programs in the grid in the same background color. Or, at the opposite end of the scale, a complex custom scheme could contain a unique combination of color codes for every available program genre and program type combination.

In a typical custom scheme, however, distinct color combinations are generally chosen for the 8 to 10 specific genre and program type combinations the member cares most about. The rest of the programs will be displayed in the grid according to the set of rules that TitanTV internally maintains that determines the background and text colors for all unspecified genres and program types.

When creating a new custom scheme, two options are available:

  • Option #1 - Create an empty scheme and manually select new each genre/type and text color combination you want to be in it.
  • Option #2 - Create a copy of an existing scheme as the starting point and edit the new one as needed.

Both of these options are covered in more detail in the next topic.

To create a custom scheme, click the Create New Color Scheme button at the top of the list of schemes. This opens a popup box containing these controls:

  • Name - Enter a unique name in the Name field.
  • Copy From - To use an existing scheme as the basis for the new scheme, select it from the drop down box. Otherwise, select None.

Click the Save button to save the new scheme and close the popup box.

The new scheme is added to the list of available grid color schemes and ready to be edited to suit your preferences. See the next topic for more information about editing the settings in a custom grid color scheme as well as how to add additional colors to the scheme.

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Editing a New Color Scheme

To edit the settings in the new scheme, click its Edit Color Scheme button. The page will redraw to display the current settings in the new scheme and the following controls:

  • The Add New Rule button is used to add another color combination to this scheme
  • The Set As Default button allows you to select this scheme as the grid's default
  • The Change link that returns you to the list of available schemes
  • The Summary panel shows the Genre and Program Type associated with this color combination
  • The Sample cell provides a view of what the cell will look like in the grid for this combination
  • The Delete control is a red X in the top right corner of the box that removes this combination
  • The Edit button allows you to specify a genre and/or type and change the colors of one or more of the cell's contents
  • The Return To TV Listings link returns TitanTV to the grid page

Editing a New Color Scheme - Option #1

If the new scheme was created using Option #1 in the topic above, you may notice that it will contain one rule. In it, the Genre and Program Type is set to All. This means every program in the grid, regardless of its genre and/or type, will appear with black text against a grey background.

To change the settings in this rule, click its Edit button in its box to activate the Edit controls. The box will redraw and the Genre and Program Type fields become controls from which you may choose specific criteria. The Color Picker squares are activated for each cell element. Clicking on a square will open its Color Picker from which you select a different color for that particular cell element.

For example, to change the rule to apply to all programs in the News genre only, click the Genre drop down box to display its contents then click on News in the list.

The background color of the cells for the News programs may also be changed. Click on the color square between the Background label and the Sample box to open the Color Picker. The Picker contains two sets of pre-defined color palettes, named Theme Colors and Web Colors, from which you may choose. Select a new background color by clicking on the desired color. When another color is selected, the Sample box will change to reflect how the News programming will appear in the grid with the new background color.

Depending on the color you selected for the cell's background, you may want to also choose different colors for the Title and other text elements to make them stand out for easier readability. Click on the Color Picker square for each text element to choose its new color.

When you are satisfied with the new settings in this rule, click the Save Changes button to close the Edit view and retain your choices.

If you are ready to put this custom into effect, click the Set As Default button to make it the scheme TitanTV will use whenever the grid page is displayed. Click the Return To TitanTV Listings link to go to the guide page. The grid will redraw according to settings in the Default new custom grid color scheme.

For any genre and type combinations that are not specifically identified by a rule in a custom scheme, TitanTV internally maintains a default rule that directs all programs for the remaining genres and types to be displayed with black text against a grey background.

To add new rules to this custom scheme using other genre/type and color combinations, see the Adding a New Rule to a Scheme topic for more information.

After viewing the schedule grid according to your new custom scheme, you may easily fine-tune its rules and settings by returning to the Site Preferences/My Grid Colors page and editing the custom rule as needed.

Editing a New Color Scheme - Option #2

If Option #2 in the Creating a Custom Color Scheme topic above was selected when creating the new grid scheme, it will contain the same set of rules that were in the original scheme that was copied. The settings in the new scheme may be edited as needed to meet your preferences.

To edit a specific rule, click its Edit button to activate the edit controls. The Genre and Program Type fields become controls from which you may choose specific criteria and the Color Picker squares are activated for each cell element.

Make the changes as needed to the genre and/or type selection. Change the color of the cell's background and text elements if needed by clicking on the color square between the field labels and the Sample box to open the Color Picker. When satisfied with the new settings and combination of colors, click the Save Changes button to close the Edit view and retain your choices. Repeat these steps for each existing rule you want to change.

See the Adding a New Rule to a Scheme topic that follows for more information about adding a new rule and color combination to your custom scheme.

If the new custom scheme contains any unwanted rules that were copied from the source scheme, click on the red X in the top right corner of its box to delete the rule.

Once you have created the rules for the new scheme and are ready to put it into effect, click the Set As Default button. TitanTV will then use this scheme's settings whenever the grid page is displayed. Click the Return To TitanTV Listings link to go to the guide page and view how it appears in the Default new custom grid color scheme.

After viewing the schedule grid according to the rules your new custom scheme, you may easily fine-tune its rules and settings by returning to the Site Preferences/My Grid Colors page and editing the custom rule as needed.

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Adding a New Rule to a Scheme

To add a new rule with its own settings and color combinations to a custom scheme, click the Add New Rule button. A popup window opens containing the same controls and basic layout as when editing an existing rule.

In the popup window, select the desired Genre and/or Program Type you want the new rule to apply to. Then click on each of the color squares to open their respective Color Pickers to select the rule's background and text colors. Click the Save button to close the popup and save the new rule's setting.

If a new rule contains the same combination of genre and/or program type as another rule in the custom scheme, a message box will open advising you of the duplication. Change the new rule's Genre and/or Type selections to avoid the duplication and click Save again or click Cancel to discard the new color and return to the rules list page.

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Custom Movie Rules Example

These instructions demonstrate how to create a custom scheme containing a combination of rules that specify different genres within the Movie program type.

As mentioned in the section introducing custom grid color scheme options, a scheme may be created for movies in which all dramas will appear in the grid in one background color, comedies in another color and all other movies in a third combination of colors. This section illustrates how to create this set of rules.

*If you have already created a custom scheme and want to follow along with this example in it, click its Edit Color Scheme button to open its Edit mode.

**If you have not yet created any custom grid color schemes, click the Create New Color Scheme button at the top of the list of schemes. This opens a popup box containing these controls:

  • Name - Enter a unique name in the Name field.
  • Copy From - To use an existing scheme as the basis for the new scheme, select it from the drop down box. Otherwise, select None.
  • Click the Save button to save the new scheme and close the popup box. The new scheme appears in the list of available schemes. Click its Edit Color Scheme button to open its Edit mode.

For this demonstration, various shades of blue will be used to distinguish movies in the schedule grid according to their genre. Any other combination of colors may be used.

The first step is to create a rule that sets the background and text color for movies that are dramas. To begin, click the Add New Rule button. A popup window opens containing the controls used for creating a new rule. In the popup:

  1. Select Drama from the Genre drop down box
  2. Select the Movie Program Type check box
  3. For the Background, click on its colored square to open its Color Picker and select a dark shade of blue
  4. For the Title text, click on its colored square to opens it Color Picker and select a contrasting color to make it stand out from the background, if necessary
  5. For the Details text, click on its colored square to open its Color Picker and select a contrasting color to make it stand out from the background, if necessary
  6. For the Other field, click on its colored square to open its Color Picker and select a contrasting color to make it stand out from the background, if necessary

The box to the right provides a sample of what this rule will look like in the grid. If you are satisfied with your color choices, click the Save button to close the popup and save the new rule's settings.

The next step is to create a rule that sets the background and text color for movies that are comedies. Click the Add New Rule button. In the popup:

  1. Select Comedy from the Genre drop down box
  2. Select the Movie Program Type check box
  3. For the Background, open its Color Picker and select a medium shade of blue
  4. For the Title text, open its Color Picker and select a contrasting color, if necessary
  5. For the Details text, open its Color Picker and select a contrasting color, if necessary
  6. For the Other field, open its Color Picker and select a contrasting color, if necessary

When satisfied with your color choices, click the Save button to close the popup and save the new rule.

The last step is to create the rule that sets the background and text color for all movies that are not dramas or comedies. Click the Add New Rule button. In the popup:

  1. Select All from the Genre drop down box
  2. Select the Movie Program Type check box
  3. For the Background, opens its Color Picker and select a light shade of blue
  4. For the Title text, open its Color Picker and select a contrasting color, if necessary
  5. For the Details text, open its Color Picker and select a contrasting color, if necessary
  6. For the Other field, open its Color Picker and select a contrasting color, if necessary

When satisfied with your color choices, click the Save button to close the popup and save the new rule.

The custom scheme will have three new rules in it. One dictates that all Dramas that are also a Movie will appear in the schedule grid with a dark blue background. Another rule indicates all Comedies that are also a Movie will appear with a medium blue background. In the third rule, the All setting determines that all Movies that are neither Dramas nor Comedies will appear in the grid with a light blue background.

The All selection in the Genre drop down box means the rule's color combination will be applied to all the other genres within the Movies program type that have not been specifically chosen in any other rules. In this example, explicit rules were created specifically for Dramas and Comedies within the Movie program type. Therefore, the All genre selection and its particular rules do not apply to them.

To view how the grid will look under the rules of the new custom color scheme, click the Set as Default button that the top of the custom scheme's list of rules. Then click the Return to TV Listings link at the bottom of the set of rules.

The schedule grid page will be redrawn. The movies in it will appear in it with their backgrounds in shades of blue. Dramas will be dark blue, comedies medium blue and all other movies in a light shade of blue. All other programs that are not movies will appear against a grey background, TitanTV's default for all unspecified genres.

If you scroll down to the bottom of the schedule grid, you will see the legend contains - in addition to any other rules you have created in the custom scheme - the background and text color samples for each of the rules in this custom scheme. It will list Movie on a light blue background, Comedy:Movie on a medium blue background and Drama:Movie on a dark blue background.

Back to the Custom Grid Color Schemes topic.

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Using Custom Colors in a Scheme

The Color Picker tool TitanTV provides contains two pre-defined color palettes, Theme Colors and Web Colors, from which you may choose. Between these palettes, nearly 200 pre-defined colors are available for use in custom grid color schemes.

In addition to the pre-defined colors from which you may select, TitanTV also allows you to use create custom colors by manually entering HTML Color Codes into the color fields.

The HTML Code format is based on the hexadecimal numeral system. In HTML Code, each color contains a "#" symbol and combination of 6 letters or numbers ranging from 0-9 and A-F. The first two digits in the HTML Code represents the intensity of Red in a color, the second pair represents the intensity of Green, and the last two the intensity of Blue.

00 is the least intense value the Red, Green and Blue components in a color may have and FF is the most intense.

The color Black is created when all the Red, Green and Blue components in the HTML Code are at their lowest intensity (#000000) and White is created when all of the components are set to their maximum intensity (#999999). Between the lower and upper limits of this range thousands of color combinations are available.

For example, the HTML Code for Bright Green is #00FF00. The first two digits (00) in this code represent the Red component at its lowest intensity in this color. The next two (FF) indicate the highest intensity for the color Green. The last two digits (00) represent the Blue component is also at its lowest possible intensity.

In the HTML Code #009900, Red and Blue are still at their lowest possible intensities (00) while the Green component is at a less intense value (99). The color this combination creates is a Medium Green.

By changing the HTML Code to #001100, the colors Red and Blue are still at their lowest possible intensities (00) while the Green component is at a much less intense value (11). This combination creates is a somewhat darker shade of Dark Greenthat may look like Black on most computer monitors.

By selecting different combinations of intensities for the Red, Green and Blue components in a color, the HTML Code may be used to select from thousands of available colors for use in your custom grid scheme.

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*My DVR Options

If you are a TitanTV member, the options on the My DVR Options page allows you to choose which PVR-related icons, if any, you want to appear in the Program Details boxes on the Schedule page. This feature allows you to display only the icons for the particular functions your PVR supports or, if you do not have a PVR installed, hide all the PVR icons completely.

For example, if you have a PVR product installed on your computer that only allows you to record programming, selecting just the check box corresponding to the Record function on the My DVR Options page will cause only the Record icon to appear in the Program Details box.

If you do not have a PVR, not selecting any of the check boxes will cause the display of all PVR-related icons to not be displayed at all.

After making the desired changes to the settings on the My DVR Options page, click the Save Changes button to put them into effect. Click the TitanTV Listings link at the top of the page to return to the Schedule page.

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*My Favorite Shows and Movies

Every program you have designated in any of your lineups as a Favorite appears on this page. This page also allows you to maintain your master list of favorite programs. A maximum of 200 (500 for registered members) programs may be selected as a favorite.

To add a new favorite to the list, carefully enter the program's exact title in the field and click the Add Favorite button. The Favorites function does not recognize partial matches of show and movie titles. The program will then be added to the master list and its scheduled airings will appear when appropriate in the Favorite Shows & Movies page.

To permanently delete a favorite, click the red X in the unwanted program's box. A confirmation box will open prompting you to verify your intent to remove that favorite.

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The features indicated with the * are available only to TitanTV members.

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Editing an Existing Lineup

TitanTV includes a tool that allows you to edit any channel lineup. You may choose to edit a lineup to add more channels to it or remove unwanted channels from the grid.

To edit a lineup, click on the Manage Lineups & Channels icon in the center of the header bar above the grid on the Schedule page. Its icon looks like a red tool box. This takes you to the My Channel Lineups page that lists all the channel lineups that you have created.

Locate the lineup to be edited in the list and click its Edit Channels button. The page will refresh to display the number and network for each of the channels in the lineup.

Add a Channel to the Lineup

To add a channel to a lineup, locate the desired lineup in the list and click its Edit Channels button. The page will refresh to display a listing of the assigned channel number and call sign/network for each channel in the lineup.

Click the Add Channels button at the top of the list. This opens a window that gives you two options:

  • Find a Channel to Add by Name - Manually search for each channel to be added
  • Choose Channels to Add From an Existing Lineup - Select channels to add from within an existing lineup

When you choose the Find a Channel to Add by Name option, a window opens in which you search for the desired channel by entering its call sign/network code. This code is a four to nine character identifier that is generally an abbreviation of the network's full name. Click on the desired channel code from the list of matching names to select it. Next, enter the channel number it will occupy in your lineup then click the Add Channel button to close the popup window and add the channel to your lineup. Repeat for each channel you want to add.

With their abbreviated nature, call signs can sometimes be cryptic and locating the correct one that matches the schedule of the channel you are adding may require a bit of trial and error. If a wrong call sigh is entered when adding a channel, it may also be easily removed from the lineup. The topics below describe how to remove a channel from a lineup.

When the Choose Channels to Add From an Existing Lineup option is selected, a window opens in which you are presented with a list of the other lineups you have saved. Choose the lineup from the drop down box that contains the channel you want to add.

When the lineup is selected from the list, the popup window refreshes to display all of the channels on the selected lineup. Scroll through the list and click on the desired channel to add. The background of the row the channel is on turns from white to green to indicate that it has been selected. Multiple channels may be selected with this method by clicking on each channel. Click on a channel again to deselect it and return its background to white.

When the desired channels have been selected from the source lineup, click the Add Channels button to close the popup and add them to the edited lineup.

Channels added to the lineup using either of the above methods are displayed in the list on a green background to indicate that they were originally in that lineup.

When the desired channels have been added, click the TitanTV Listings link at the top left corner of the page to return to the grid page and view the contents of the edited lineup. Some experimentation may be needed to ensure the lineup contains all the correct channels.

Remove a Channel from the Lineup

To remove a channel that was original to the lineup, locate it in the list of channels and click its Hide button. The row's background changes to red and the label on the button changes to Show. This action does not explicitly delete the channel from the lineup but prevents it from appearing in the grid. The display of the channel in the grid may be re-enabled by clicking the Show button. The row's background returns to white and the button label also changes back to Hide.

Remove an Added Channel from the Lineup

To remove a channel that has been added to a lineup, locate it in the list of channels and click its Remove button. A confirmation box will open prompting you to verify you want to remove the channel Click the OK button to confirm the action and close the box. The selected channel will be removed from the list of channels in the lineup.

As you add, hide or remove each channel, the changes are automatically saved and the lineup updated as each action is performed. No explicit save command is needed to put changes into effect.

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Using TitanTV with a PVR

TitanTV has been designed for use with most current PVR (Personal Video Recorder) products. With a PVR installed, the recording of shows may be scheduled with a single mouse click.

The use of a PVR is optional and it is not necessary to have a PVR in order to use TitanTV to provide you with television listings.

Similarly, if you have a PVR installed, it is not necessary to use TitanTV to schedule the recording of a program. A recording may be scheduled by manually entering all the relevant information directly into the PVR's interface.

However, TitanTV provides a one-click alternative to streamline and simplify what is otherwise the multi-step process described in the topics below.

Click the desired link to view its topic.

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PVR 101

A PVR (Personal Video Recorder) is a combination of computer hardware and its accompanying software. The hardware includes connections for incoming signals such as an over-the-air antenna, coaxial cable for cable or satellite programming, and so on as well as jacks for other audio/video input and output. Its software provides the application's onscreen interface and also controls the PVR's interaction with the computer's operating system.

Depending on the make and model, a PVR may be internal, meaning it is semi-permanently installed in an expansion slot on the computer's motherboard, or it may be external with its own housing and is connected to the computer through a USB or FireWire port.

A PVR is a stand-alone application that includes its own unique interface and controls that support its feature set. These controls allow you to enter the information necessary to schedule the recording of a desired program. Once installed, a basic PVR allows you to record television programs onto your computer's hard drive in much the same way a VCR records to a video cassette.

Depending on model and manufacturer, a PVR may also support such advanced features as:

  • Watch Now - Allows live television to be viewed in a window on your computer's monitor
  • Burn to DVD - Allows television programs to be recorded directly onto DVD
  • Remote Scheduling - Allows a computer at one location to schedule the recording of a program on a PVR-equipped computer at a different location

Refer to your PVR's documentation for more information about its features, minimum computer memory and processor specifications, hardware and operating system requirements, and other applicable details.

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Scheduling a Recording Manually Through the PVR

A PVR is a stand-alone product that includes its own unique interface and controls that support its feature set. These controls allow you to enter the information necessary to schedule the recording of a desired program.

With a PVR installed, you can manually schedule the recording of a desired program by:

  • Locating and opening the PVR's interface on your computer's Desktop or in its Programs menu structure
  • Finding the appropriate scheduling controls within the PVR's interface
  • Entering which channel the PVR is to tune to
  • Entering the desired day
  • Entering the time the PVR is to begin recording
  • Entering how long the PVR is to record that channel
  • Saving the instructions so the PVR can act upon them at the appropriate time

Of course, before you can begin entering all this information, you must first locate the information from a source such as the TV listings in a newspaper or from an online program guide.

The next topic compares the steps needed to manually schedule a recording against the ease in which the same process is performed in TitanTV.

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Scheduling a Recording With TitanTV

As an online programming guide, TitanTV already contains the information about the program you want to record. To schedule the recording of a desired program with TitanTV:

  • Select that program in the schedule to open its Program Details box
  • Click its Record icon

With just a single click, all the instructions that were manually entered in the "what channel, which day, what time, and how long" process described in the previous topic are sent to your PVR by TitanTV.

TitanTV does not contain a "season pass" feature that automatically schedules the recording of all current and future instances of that program. The ability to schedule the recording of an upcoming program applies only that single instance of the selected program. Each program to be recorded must be scheduled individually.

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How TitanTV Works with a PVR

When you click a program's Record, Watch Now, Burn to DVD, or Remote Scheduling icons, TitanTV sends a set of instructions in a standardized file format internally through the computer's operating system to your PVR. The file contains information about the specific actions you have instructed the PVR to perform (for example, which channel to record, what day, what time, and for how long).

This is the only interaction TitanTV has with your PVR. The PVR does not pass any information back to TitanTV.

When the file is received by the PVR, it reads in those instructions and automatically adds to the PVR's scheduling interface. The PVR then executes the instructions at the appropriate day and time.

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What a PVR Can Do

With a PVR installed, TitanTV may be used to schedule the recording of a television program to your hard drive with just a click on the program's Record icon in its Program Details box.

Other PVR products also include additional advanced features with the same one-click convenience on the desired icon in a program's Program Details box. These available features include:

  • Watch Now - Allows live television to be viewed in a window on your computer's monitor
  • Burn to DVD - Allows television programs to be recorded directly onto DVD
  • Remote Scheduling - Allows a computer at one location to schedule the recording of a program on a PVR-equipped computer at a different location
  • With Remote Scheduling, only the destination computer must have a PVR installed that supports the Remote Scheduling function. The destination computer must also be online in order to receive the command to record the desired program.

The available features, hardware and operating system requirements, supported browsers, and prices of PVR products vary by manufacturer and model. Check your PVR product's documentation to view its features and capabilities.

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What a Supported PVR Cannot Do

The capability to record and/or watch television programs on your computer with a PVR applies to only the over-the-air, cable, and satellite channels you can normally receive at your location. These channels are delivered to your location via an antenna (for over-the-air broadcasts) and/or through an active subscription with your selected cable and/or satellite programming providers.

A PVR will not enable you to view and/or record television programs online from outside your normal viewing area or from any online sources.

Also, a supported PVR and TitanTV - used either in conjunction or separately - will not serve as a descrambler or converter for viewing regularly encrypted programming from any source.

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Trouble Shooting

The topics in this section provide possible solutions to the most common problems others have encountered when using TitanTV or a PVR product.

Click the desired link to view its topic.

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Problems Within TitanTV

Unable to Login

Your TitanTV membership contains information that is unique to you, such as your location, choice of cable and/or satellite provider and programming package, your PVR product, and any customization you've done to your lineups. This information is used by TitanTV when you log in to display its guide pages according your preferences.

The information about your membership is protected by a login process. Most users will probably have to login to TitanTV only once and that will be on the first visit. By default, TitanTV allows the login to remain active between sessions so it will not necessary to login again on subsequent visits.

If, however, you logged out on your last visit, are accessing TitanTV from another computer for the first time, have disabled the persistent login function, or your local cookies have been deleted, it will be necessary to login again to view your television listings.

Below are the primary reasons why you would be unable to login to TitanTV.

- Wrong Login Name and/or Password - When the wrong login name or password is entered while attempting to login, a message is displayed indicating which field is incorrect. The User Name and Password fields are case-sensitive. Carefully re-enter your login and password and try again.

If you do not remember your Password, click on the "Forgot Your Password?" link on the TitanTV Login page.

A new page will open where you are prompted to enter your TitanTV User Name and the Captcha Verification Code. Your password will then be sent to the email address you entered when you created your TitanTV membership.

- Browser Not Configured to Accept Cookies - To use TitanTV, cookies must be enabled on your browser. Cookies are small text files written to your hard drive by many of the Web sites you visit. Typically, a cookie stores your preferences when visiting a particular site. When you return to that site at a later time, the site's cookie allows it retrieve important information about you from your previous visit.

TitanTV stores a local cookie that contains information about your membership such as the login and any guide customization settings. The TitanTV cookie plays a vital role in the validation process. When a cookie can't be stored on your computer, all attempts to login to TitanTV will fail.

- The Cookie Has Been Damaged - It's remotely possible for a cookie to be damaged. When this occurs with TitanTV's cookie, the login information in it will no longer match your correct username and password and the login process will fail. The solution in this rare situation is to delete the damaged TitanTV cookies.

Rather than simply delete all the cookies stored on your computer (and thereby remove the cookies for all the other sites you visit), here's how to delete only those for TitanTV.

Use your operating system's Search function to perform a search on .titantv (be sure to include the preceding period). Delete each cookie the Search finds. Next, perform a search on @titantv and delete the cookie or cookies this returns.

Since TitanTV will no longer be able to locate its cookie on your computer, it will assume this will be your first visit and prompt you to enter your username and password when you return. Enter them as you normally would and TitanTV should perform normally for you once again.

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Login and Password Not Remembered Between Sessions

The Remember Me Next Time check box on the Login page allows the settings and preferences unique to your TitanTV membership to be automatically recalled on your next visit to the site without having to login again.

When this box is selected, a small text file called a "cookie" is created on your computer. This file contains information that is specific to your user name, such as your preferences, the default channel lineup and other lineups, your Reminders and the programs you have selected as Favorites, and so on.

When you access TitanTV, part of its initialization process looks for the presence of this cookie. If it cannot be found, TitanTV assumes this is your first visit and will prompt you to enter your username and password when you go to the Login page.

If you have selected the Remember Me Next Time check box but are prompted to login when you return to TitanTV, this indicates the site's cookie has been deleted at some time after your last visit. The cookie may have been deleted by you or someone else instructing the browser to remove all temporary files and cookies from your computer or perhaps by running third-party products designed to enhance browser security.

If this is the case, check the browser's or the utility's documentation to determine if and how it can be configured to exclude cookies from specific sites (such as TitanTV.com) as it executes its maintenance functions.

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Email Already in Use Message

Every TitanTV membership is internally associated with the email address the TitanTV member entered while registering.

During the registration process, a validation routine compares that email address against those already in TitanTV's database to ensure it is unique. If no matches are found, the process advances to the next step in the registration process.

However, when the validation routine detects the email address is already associated with an existing TitanTV member, an "Email Address Already in Use" message is displayed onscreen and the registration process is halted.

If you receive this message while creating a TitanTV membership, it indicates either you or another member of your household with knowledge of your email address has become a TitanTV member at some point. This is the only circumstance under which the message can appear.

Retrieving Your Password

If you do not remember your password, click on the Forgot Your Password? link. A new page will open where you are prompted to enter your User Name and the Captcha verification Code. The password associated with your User Name will then be sent to your email address.

Once you've successfully logged into TitanTV, you may then review and update your membership information as needed in the pages under the Site Preference menu.

If you want to create a new TitanTV membership, you must use a different email address than the one on record with your original membership because each must include a unique email address.

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Report Incorrect Missing Lineups or Providers

TitanTV receives its programming information and channel lineups from an outside data provider. In some instances, the provider may be supplying an outdated or otherwise incorrect channel lineup.

To report this, click on the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page.

A new page will open containing a report form. Enter the necessary details describing the problem and click the Send Message button.

We will pass the report to our data provider so they can correct the problem as quickly is possible. It generally takes a few days for the data provider to correct the problem from the time we receive your report.

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VCR Plus+® Codes Not Available in TitanTV

There are a number of data providers in the market that sell and distribute television program listing information. The developers of TitanTV purchase its information from one such provider and a long-term contract exists between the organizations.

The VCR Plus+® data is offered by yet another data provider and this proprietary information is not available in the programming data supplied by TitanTV's current provider.

Obtaining rights to the VCR Plus+ data would require a substantial additional expense while a contract is in force with TitanTV's existing data provider.

If the programming data that appears in TitanTV were to be purchased from multiple sources, TitanTV could possibly no longer be offered as a free service to its members.

Additionally, the daily acquisition, merging, and processing of programming data from two dissimilar sources presents technical challenges that could affect the timely and reliable delivery of programming information to TitanTV's members.

VCR Plus+ is a registered trademark of Gemstar Development Corporation.

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Problems When Using a PVR

An Error Message Appears When a PVR Icon is Clicked

When you click a program's Record or Watch Now icon, TitanTV sends a set of encrypted instructions about that show to a location on your computer's hard drive. This is the only interaction TitanTV has with your PVR. The PVR does not pass any information back to TitanTV.

The software that was shipped with the PVR then detects that set of instructions, properly decrypts and interprets it, and launches the PVR accordingly.

If the PVR is unable to successfully execute those instructions for any reason, the PVR will generate an error message and display it onscreen. The message may concisely describe the problem and even offer a solution or it may be cryptic and not instructive.

The PVR manufacturer is entirely responsible for the content of the error messages its PVR product generates. The content of the message is beyond TitanTV's control and TitanTV plays no part in the creation of these error messages or in their usefulness in providing a solution.

If you receive an error from your PVR when using the Record or Watch Now functions, it may be due to one of several causes. Below is a list of the most common solutions.

Clear Your Cache - Delete the contents of your browser's temporary internet files folder. This is also called clearing the cache. Doing so may remove old files that prevent the PVR from working correctly. This also frees hard drive space for your computer to use.

The process for clearing the cache varies between browsers but, as a rule, pressing the Ctrl and the F5 keys at the same time will generally clear the current page's cache. Please refer to your browser's Help file for specific details on how to clear the cache for that particular browser.

Uninstall/Reinstall - Uninstall your PVR software. This should remove all traces of any damaged or corrupted PVR-related files from your computer. A damaged file could prevent your PVR from working properly.

Reinstall the software that came with the PVR then download the latest update, if applicable, from the web site of the manufacturer of your PVR product.

Software Updates - Verify you have the latest software updates installed for your PVR product. The software that was bundled with your PVR may have been updated in the interim and no longer work properly with the current version of TitanTV.

Check Hard Drive Space - Ensure your hard drive has enough free disk space to record the scheduled programs onto. The file sizes of recorded programs can be quite large. Recording a number of programs may quickly fill the available space on your hard drive and prevent the PVR from working properly without notice.

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Locating the Files the PVR Creates

When you use TitanTV to schedule the recording of a program, the logical location of the recording on the computer and the folder structure to get there are determined by the PVR's supporting software. Check your PVR's documentation to determine where on the hard drive it places the video files and whether it permits you to override that default location and folder structure.

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Naming the File a Scheduled Recording Creates

When a PVR records a program, it creates and stores the video file on your computer according to the selected video format and the PVR manufacturer's naming conventions.

If desired, the completed video file may be moved to another location on your computer and/or renamed to a more descriptive title for easier retrieval later. Refer to your PVR's documentation to determine where on the hard drive it places the video files.

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Computer Prompts it Cannot Read/Interpret .TPVI and/or .TVVI Files

When you click a program's Record or Watch Now icon, TitanTV sends a set of encrypted instructions in a .TPVI or .TVVI file format (depending on the desired action) through the computer's operating system to your PVR. The PVR's software detects the instructions, properly decrypts and interprets it, and launches the PVR accordingly.

The computer's operating system continuously maintains an internal file association table. This table contains the programs that have been installed on your computer and the types of files that can be opened by each particular program.

When you attempt to open a file of a given type, your computer checks its association table for that type. If a program has been installed that is associated with that file type, your computer will first automatically launch the program then open the desired file within that program's interface.

If you have a PVR installed but are being prompted by the operating system to select the desired program to read the .TPVI and/or TVVI file types, this indicates the system's file association table has become corrupted.

To resolve the lost association, re-install the software that was shipped with your PVR. This will update the entries in the system's file association table for the PVR file types and the PVR should begin working normally again.

If a PVR has not been installed, the computer's operating system does not know which program to use with these file types and will open an onscreen prompt asking you to select the desired application.

The .TVPI and .TVVI files can be opened, decrypted, and read only by a PVR. They cannot be read or interpreted by any other applications on your computer.

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